Abstracts Melanie Kaliwoda
Kaliwoda, M., Altherr R (2005). Mantle Xenoliths from Harrat Uwayrid (Saudi Arabia) Metasomatic phenomena, thermal history and Li, Be B characteristics. Ofioliti 30(2), 191-192.
Kaliwoda, M., Marschall, H., Ludwig, T., Altherr, R., Markl, G. (2005) Be and B characteristics of alkaline rocks from the igneous Ilimaussaq complex, South Greenland. DMG Tagungsband Abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Altherr, R., Markl, G. (2006). Li, Be and B contents in different minerals from a peralkaline intrusion (Ilimaussaq, Greenland). EJM, European Journal of Mineralogy, 18, 1, 65.
Kaliwoda, M., Altherr, R., Markl, G. (2007). Li, Be, B and δ11B values from the peralkaline Ilimaussaq intrusion and its country rocks (South Greenland). Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2007-A459.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2008). Raman spectroscopy and electron microprobe measurements as investigation method for different coloured schorl tourmalines. DMG conference abstracts, S08P02.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleinter, R., Ludwig, T., Altherr, R. (2009). New Investigations on the Meteorite Neuschwanstein. DMG conference abstracts 2009, P 120.
Kaliwoda, M., (2009). Light elements as tracer minerals for hydrothermal or magmatic overprint in natural rocks. DMG conference abstracts 2009, P119.
Kaliwoda, M., (2009). Detection of melt or hydrothermal influence in different rock environments by investigation of Li, Be, B and Li and B isotopes as tracer elements. MAPT 2009 conference book.
Kaliwoda, M., Marschall, H., Ludwig, T., Altherr, R., Markl, G. (2010). Li, Be, B and δ11B systematics in the peralkaline Ilímaussaq intrusion (South Greenland). DMG conference abstracts, P10–01.
Hochleitner, R., Hoffmann, V., Kaliwoda, M., Mikouchi, T. (2010). Mineralogy of Opaque Phases in Almahata Sitta Ureilite. DMG conference abstracts, P3-01.
Gigler, A.M., Wang, H., Eichhorn, J., Sanchez-Pastor, N., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Jordan, G., Lackinger, M., Lotsch, B., Schmahl, W.W. (2010). Approaching Quantitative Confocal Raman Spectroscopy – Micro-Phase Analysis and Zoning of Crystals. CeNS Workshop 2010 Nanosciences: Merging Disciplines: 43.
Gigler, A.M., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Mikouchi, T., Schmahl, W.W., Hoffmann, V.H. (2011). Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Almahata Sitta Combined with Electron Microprobe Analyses. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-12278.
Hoffmann, V.H., Torii, M., Funaki, M., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M., Mikouchi, T., Zolensky, M. (2011). Magnetic phases of Almahata Sitta: New results. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstract 2191.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Hoffmann, V.H., Mikouchi, T., Gigler, A.M., Schmahl, W.W. (2011). New Raman spectroscopic data of the Almahata Sitta Meteorite. DMG conference abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Hoffmann, V.H., Mikouchi, T., Gigler, A.M., Fehr, K.T., Schmahl, W.W. (2011). Combination of Raman Spectroscopy and Electron Microprobe within the Almahata Sitta Meteorite. DGK_DMG abstracts, spectroscopy of minerals, P.302.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Gigler, A.M., Günther, A., Fehr, K.T. (2011). Raman spectroscopic investigations of the group Plumbojarosite – Corkite – Kintoreite. DGK_DMG abstracts, spectroscopy of minerals.
Uysal, I., Zaccarini, F., Garuti, G., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Akmaz, R.M., Saka, S. (2011). Podiform chromitites from the Turkish ophiolites: An overview to he mineralogy of Platinum-group elements. . Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, P2055.
Sen, A.D., Uysal, I., Godard, M., Bagci, U., Kaliwoda, M. (2011). Petrogenesis of mantle peridotites from the Kizildag ophiolite (SE Turkey): Implications from mineral composition. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, P1837.
Kaliwoda, M., Uysal, I., Hochleitner, R., Fehr, K.T. (2012). Ophiolithes and related platinum group minerals in the Taurus Mountains (South eastern part of Turkey). MM7 Conference abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Fehr, K.T. (2012). Raman measurements in combination with electron microprobe as suitable tool in mineralogical research. Conference Turkey (invited talk).
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2012). Außerschulische Bildung im Museum: Geowissenschaften als fachübergreifende Informationseinheiten der Naturwissenschaften.LeLa-Tagung_Chemnitz.
Hoffmann, V.H., Llorca, J., Molins, E., Mikouchi, T., Funaki, M., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Yamamoto, Y., Kodama, K. (2012). Magnetism and Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Ksar Ghilane 002 basaltic Shergottite. 75 Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Cairns 2012, P5107.
Hoffmann, V.H., Torii, M., Funaki, M., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Agee, C., Yamamoto, Y., Kodama, K. (2012). Magnetism of Tissint Olivine-phyric Shergottite – First Results. Asteroids, Meteors and Comets, Niigata (Japan) 2012.
Hoffmann, V.H., Mikouchi, T., Torii, M., Funaki, M., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Horstmann, M., Bischoff, A., Gnos, E., Yamamoto, Y., Kodama, K. (2012). Almahata Sitta Magnetism – a Compilation. Asteroids, Meteors and Comets, Niigata (Japan) 2012.
Uysal, I., Saka, S., Ersoy, Y.E., Bagci, U., Kaliwoda, M., Ottley, C.J., Brauns, M., Sen, D., Köprübasi, N., Rizaoglu, T. (2012). Kizildag ophiolite (S-Turkey): Melting and Interaction processes, and Re-Os geochronology. Ophiolites, related ore and industrial minerals conference abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Kotelnikov, A.R., Hochleitner, R., Göttlicher, J. (2013). Characterisation of different synthetic sodalites doped with molybdenum and tungsten by means of Raman spectroscopy. Abstract Corals conference 2013.
Kaliwoda, M., Sanchez-Pastor, N., Jordan, G., Veintemillas-Verdaguer, S., Hochleitner, R., Fernández-Díaz, L. (2013). The effect of carbonate on barite growth at elevated temperatures studied with Raman spectroscopy. CORALS–2013, 51-52.
Sen, C., Uysal, I., Kaliwoda, M., Müller, D. (2013). Preliminary results of trace element chemistry of almandine crystal from Pütürge metamorphics (Malatya, Eastern Turkey). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-13558.
Hoke, N.; Rott, A., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner R., Reul. A., Beck, A., Fehr, K.T., Grupe, G., Harbeck, M. (2013). Cemetery Munich West: Early diagenetic alterations of the organic and inorganic bone matrix after short inhumation times. 7th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Lyon, Frankreich, 22.-25. Oktober 2013.
Günther, A., Hoke, N., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Fehr, K. T., Beck, A., Reul, A., Rott, A., Harbeck, M. (2013). Spectroscopic investigations (FTIR, RAMAN) on forensic and archaeological human skeletal remains. 7th Bone Diagenesis Meeting, Lyon, Frankreich, 22.-25. Oktober 2013.
Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M., Fehr, K.T. (2013). Raman spectroscopic investigations of fluoride minerals with the general formula NaX[AlF6] H2O. Abstract Corals conference 2013.
Hochleitner, R., Hoke, N., Kaliwoda, M., Fehr, K.T., Günther, A., Beck, A., Reul, A., Rott, A., Harbeck, M.: Can spectroscopic methods distinguish forensic and archaeological human skeletal remains? Abstract Corals conference 2013.
Hoffmann, V.H., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Cornec, C.J., Funaki, M. (2013). New data on Belize tektites. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V conference(2013), P3086.
Hoffmann, V.H., Funaki, M., Cornec, C.J., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2013). Magnetic Properties and Micro Raman Spectroscopy of a Central American Tektite from Belize. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2013), P2528.
Sen, S., Uysal, I., Akmaz, R.M., Kaliwoda, M., Bagci, U. (2014). Mantle Peridotites from the Mersin Ophiolite (S-Turkey): implications for effects of melting and subsequent melt interaction on whole-rock and mineral compositions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-660-3.
Kaliwoda, M., Saka, S., Uysal, I., Akmaz, R.M., Hochleitner, R. (2014). Partial melting effects and melt-peridotite interactions in the Pozantı-Karsantı ophiolite (eastern Taurides, Turkey). DMG conference abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2014). Schülerpraktika und Schülerprojekte in der Mineralogischen Staatssammlung München: Der Fachbereich Geo- und Materialwissenschaften ein wichtiger außerschulischer Lernort. LeLa-Tagung Heidelberg, conference abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2014). „Natur und Kunst, sie scheinen sich zu fliehen; und haben sich, eh man es denkt, gefunden“. Gemeinsame Veranstaltungen des Museums Reich der Kristalle mit Münchner Kunstmuseen. DMG conference abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2015). Technische Anwendungen in den Geowissenschaften: Schulpraktika in der Mineralogischen Staatssammlung München (Museum Reich der Kristalle). LeLa Tagung Abstractband 2015.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2015). Außerschulische Bildung in der Mineralogischen Staatssammlung München (Museum Reich der Kristalle): Schülerpraktika in einem geowissenschaftlichen LeLa-Labor. LeLa Tagung Abstractband 2015.
Hoffmann, V.H.,Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M., Heinlein, D. (2015). The Eichstädt meteorite, a historical fall in Bavaria from 1785 – revisited. Paneth Colloquium Nördlingen, abstract #0029.
Hoffmann, V.H., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M., Decker, S., (2015). Almahata Sitta Meteorite – the space „Rosetta Stone“. Paneth Kolloquium Nördlingen, abstract #0046.
Hochleitner, R., Hoffmann, V.H., Kaliwoda, M. (2015). Mineralogy of the Machtenstein H 5 ordinary chondrite. Paneth Kolloquium Nördlingen, abstract #0073.
Hochleitner, R., Hoffmann, V.H., Kaliwoda, M., Günther, A., Fehr, K.T., Schmidbauer, E. (2015). The Braunschweig meteorite (fall 2013, L6 chondrite): Moessbauer and Raman spectroscopy
Hochleitner, R., Hoffmann, V.H., Kaliwoda, M., Yamamoto, Y., Mikouchi, T., Günther, A., Fehr, K.T. (2015). Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopical data oft the new german meteorite Braunschweig (Fall 2013, L6 ordinary chondrite) (2015). 46th lunar and planetary science conference 2015
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2016). Mineralogical Education for children and grownups in the Mineralogical State Collection Munich (Museum Reich der Kristalle): A scientific program to understand the geological work of scientist. EMC2 conference Abstracts, P742.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2016). Außerschulische Bildung im Museum Reich der Kristalle – ein geowissenschaftliches LeLa-Labor. LeLa Konferenz Abstractband, S2.
Uysal, I., Dokuz, A., Kapsiotis, A., Kaliwoda, M., Karsli, O., Müller, D., Faruk, A. (2017). Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Neo-Tethyan Orhaneli ultramafic suite, NW Turkey: Evidence for the initiation and evolution of magmatic processes in a developing crust-mantle boundary. Goldschmidt Conference abstracts.
Cottrell, A., Coulson, I. M., Kaliwoda, M. (2017). Application of Micro-Raman Spectroscopy to the study of Apatite from the North Qôroq Centre, South Greenland. Goldschmidt Conference abstracts.
Cicek, M., Oyman, T., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2017). Mineralogy and Mineral Chemistry of the Arapuçandere Pb-Zn-Cu (Ag-Au) Mineralization in the Northeast of Yenice (Çanakkale), Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey. Goldschmidt Conference abstracts.
Hoffmann, V.H., Wimmer, K., Funaki, M., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M., Mikouchi, T., Zolensky, M.E. (2017). Almahata Sitta Meteorite MagSus Classification Database – the Enstatite Chondrites. NIPR conference abstracts.
Hoffmann, V.H., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Wimmer, K. (2017). Stubenberg Meteorite Fall 2016: Raman Spectroscopy and Carbon Phases. Paneth Kolloquium Nördlingen, abstract #0037.
Hoffmann, V.H., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M., Mikouchi, T. (2017). Carbon phases in stony meteorites I. NIPR conference abstracts.
Hoffmann, V.H., Mikouchi, T., Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2017). Systematic detection of carbonaceous phases in chondrites – request for sophisticated techniques for Hayabusa 2 particle analyses. NIPR conference abstracts.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Meister, J. (2018). Kunst trifft Geowissenschaften. Eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Museum Reich der Kristalle und der Alten, Neuen und Modernen Pinakothek München. LeLa Konferenz Abstractband.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. Coulson, I., Schmahl, W.W. (2018). Raman-Spectroscopy as a modern tool to investigate minerals and rocks within the Mineralogical State Collection Munich, Germany. IMA2018-1246.
Hoffmann, V.H., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Wimmer, K., Hochleitner, R, Kaliwoda, M. (2018). The 2017 Mukundpura meteorite fall – a new CM 2 carbonaceous chondrite. LPSC, Houston, # 2315.
Hoffmann, V.H., Wimmer, K., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M. (2018). NWA 11119 – probing an unknown early planetary body. LPSC, Houston, # 2468.
Hoffmann, V.H, Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Mikouchi, T., Wimmer, K. (2018). Combining non-destructive magnetic and Raman Spectroscopic analyses for Mars sample return – powerful tools in situ and in laboratory. 2nd ESA International Mars Sample Return Conference 2018 (Berlin). LPSC, Houston, # 6086.
Hoffmann. V.H., Mikouchi, T., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M., Wimmer, K. (2018). Unique NWA 11119/11558, NWA 7325 (and pairs) and Almahata Sitta individuals MS-MU 011/035: new light on very early parent body differentiation. NASA/LPI Differentiation Conference 2018, # 4018.
Hoffmann, V.H., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Wimmer, K., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M. (2018). The new CM2 carbonaceous chondrite – meteorite fall in India (2017). Meteorites 2018, Paris NHM.
Hoffmann, V.H., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Wimmer, K., Hochleitner, R., Kaliwoda, M. (2018). The Mukundpura CM2 chondrite – mineralogical and magnetic signature. Meteor. Soc. Conf., #6060.
Hoppe, J., Raquet, M., Dix, A., Mack, O., Kaliwoda, M., Helbig, U. (2018). Unexpected silver corrosion in pre-tested environment. Tagung für Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Tagungsband DESY Hamburg.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Coulson, I., Schmahl, W.W. (2018). Raman-Spectroscopy as a modern tool to investigate minerals and rocks within the Mineralogical State Collection Munich, SNSB, Germany. IMA (International Mineralogical Association), Tagungsband IMA Melbourne, Topic Minerals and Mineral Museums.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R., Meister, J. (2018) Kunst trifft Geowissenschaften. Eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Museum Reich der Kristalle und der Alten, Neuen und Modernen Pinakothek München. LeLa (Lernort Labor) Jahrestagung Kiel. Tagungsband.
Kaliwoda, M., Hochleitner, R. (2019). Außerschulische Bildung im Museum Reich der Kristalle München: Ein geowissenschaftliches Le-La-Labor. Tagungsband, LeLa-Jahrestagung Paderborn.
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Schmahl W-W (2020) Vielfalt in Schülerlaboren – das Museum Reich der Kristalle, ein geowissenschaftlicher Lernort. DMG-virtual poster session 2020
Cáceres F, Scheu B, Hess K-U, Cimarelli C, Vasseur J, Kaliwoda M, Dingwell DB (2020) Effects of cooling on Fe-Ti oxide nanolites crystallisation and melt polymerisation at low pressure and oxidising conditions. Goldschmidt 2020, Hawaii (moved online).
Cáceres F, Wadsworth FB, Scheu B, Colombier M, Madonna C, Cimarelli C, Hess K-U, Kaliwoda M, Ruthensteiner B, Dingwell DB (2020) The effect of nanolites on degassing of silica-rich magma. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly, Vienna (moved online). Abstract EGU2020-17732.
Hoffmann VH, Wimmer K, Mikouchi T, Kaliwoda M, Hochleitner R, Funaki M, Torii M, Jost M (2020) Northwest Africa 12774 – A New Basaltic/Quenched Angrite, LPSC, Abs. 2323, 362
Kaliwoda M, Rost A, Schmahl WW (2020) Die Vielfalt in Schülerlaboren – das Museum Reich der Kristalle, ein geowissenschaftlicher Lernort. Lernort Labor Tagung, LeLa Poster Session 2020
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Schmahl WW (2020) Vielfalt in Schülerlaboren – das Museum Reich der Kristalle, ein geowissenschaftlicher Lernort. DMG-virtual poster session 2020
Krüger ME, Thome T, Hilbig H, Kaliwoda M, Heinz D (2020) Investigations on alkali-silica reaction products using Raman spectroscopy. 16th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Lissboa Portugal (virtual conference)
Lucchetti, A.C.F., De Campos, C.P., Nardy, A.J.R., Arienzo, I., Kaliwoda, M., Griesshaber, E., Schmahl, W.W., Janasi, V.A., Dingwell, D.B. (2019). How Powerful can melt intrusions be fort he study of Early Cretaceous LIPs? Goldschmidt 2019 Abstract Band.
Caceres, F., Scheu, B., Wadsworth, F., Colombier, M., Hess, K.U., Cimarelli, C., Kaliwoda, M., Ruthensteiner, B., Dingwell, D.B. (2019). Influence of impermeable network and nanolites on outgassing during vesiculation in rhyolitic magma. EGU conference abstract band. EGU2019-6064.
Krüger, M., Thome, V., Hilbig, H., Kaliwoda, M., Heinz, D., Urbonas, L. (2019). Investigations on alkali silica reaction products using Raman spectroscopy. Conference Abstractband International Conference on alkali-aggregate reaction. ICAAR2019.
Brandmiller F, Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2021). Mineralogical characterization of podiform chromitite deposits in the Beja-Acebuches Ophiolite, Portugal. MM9 conference, Sofia Bulgaria
Dellefant F, Trepmann CA, Gilder SA, Sleptsova I, Kaliwoda M, Weiss BP (2021). Distinguishing shock-related microstructures in gneisses from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, EGU21-2494
Dellefant F, Trepmann CA, Gilder SA, Sleptsova I, Kaliwoda M, Weiss BP (2021). Distinguishing Shock-Related Microstructures in Gneisses from the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa. LPSC_conference1985
Helmbrecht V, Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Schmahl WW (2021). Petrochemical Investigation of Meteorites from Mars and Vesta. MM9 conference, Sofia Bulgaria
Hentschel F, Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2021). The research and collection platform Diversity Workbench applied to mineralogical and geological collections. MM9 conference, Sofia Bulgaria
Hoffmann VH, Wimmer K, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW, Schmitt-Kopplin P (2021). The Flensburg (C1-ungrouped) 2019 meteorite fall: Raman Spectroscopy and compilation of magnetic susceptibility data on c-ungrouped falls/finds. LPSC_conference, LPI Contrib. 2443
Hoffmann VH, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW, Wimmer K, Schmitt-Kopplin P (2021). The Tarda (C2 Ungr) and Kolang (CM ½) Meteorite Falls from 2020: First Systematic Mineralogical inverstigations by Raman Spectroscopy / SEM /EDX. LPSC_conference, LPI Contrib. No. 2548
Joseph F, Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2021). Digital 3D models of minerals and rocks integrated in an exhibition and for museum education at home. MM9 conference, Sofia Bulgaria
Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2021). Discovering the world of minerals and raw materials hidden in technological devices of the everyday life – a workshop for school kids to increase the awareness of the need of minerals and raw materials for smartphones. MM9 conference, Sofia Bulgaria
Junge M, Rodriguez M, Aiglsperger T, Farré-de-Pablo J, Kaufmann F, Kaliwoda M, Proenza J (2021). Using hydroseparation techniques to concentrate platinum-group minerals from Tweefontein Hill, Bushveld Complex. EMC2 conference
Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2021). Including digital 3D models into museum education – an educative tool to bring an exhibition into the living room not only during closure of museums during the COVID-19 pandemic. EMC2 conference
Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2021). Raw materials for our everyday life in the context of museum education. GeoKarlsruhe, Abstract 378
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Hoffmann VH, Schmahl WW (2021). Education and Public Engagement in the Mineralogical State Collection Munich (Germany), Meteorites from Mars and Moon as an Attraction for the Public. LPSC 2021_conference2471
Kaliwoda M, Trepmann C, Dellefant F, Hess K-U, Schmahl WW, Hölzl S (2021). Quartz and cristobalite ballen structures formed by dehydration of shock generated amorphos phases in impact melt breccia from the Ries Impact, Germany. LPSC 2021_conference2445
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2021). The Museum Mineralogia München (SNSB), a geoscientific place of education. GeoKarlsruhe Abstract of Contribution 437
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW, Dellefant F, Trepmann CA (2021). Raman spectroscopy as a functional scientific examination method for minerals, rocks and meteorites in the modern Geosciences. GeoKarlsruhe Abstract of Contribution 435
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hoffmann VH, Trepmann CA, Schmahl WW (2021). Raman spectroscopy as a functional scientific examination method for minerals, crystals, rocks and meteorites in the mineralogical state collection Munich, SNSB; Germany. MM9, Sofia Bulgaria Talk
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2021). Projects for children, young people and students at the Mineralogical State Collection Munich (SNSB) – National and international public relations for geosciences. Emc2_Abstract0362
Kaliwoda M (2021). Neuerungen und Sonderausstellungen in der Mineralogischen Staatssammlung München (MSM) Ein kleiner Rückblick, Kustodentagung Zwickau
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Rost A, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2021). Geowissenschaften im Schülerlabor: Das Museum Mineralogia München ein außerschulischer geowissenschaftlicher Lernort, LeLa Jahrestagung,
Seybold L, Trepmann CA, Hölzl S, Kaliwoda M, Dellefant F (2021). Twinned calcite within polymict impact breccias from the Nördlinger Ries impact structure, Germany–shock effects and post-shock annealing (No. EGU21-15559). Copernicus Meetings.
Seybold L, Schneider S, Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Simon G (2021). Participation of Potential Visitors in an Exhibition Concept Based on an Online Survey. GeoKarlsruhe_210526 Abstract 467
Akrami S, Junge M, Brandmiller F, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2022). Considering the potential chromite resources of Mirdita (Albania), Troodos (Cyprus) and Muğla (Turkey) ophiolites. GeoMinKöln_Topics: 9.2 Energy and technology critical raw materials: from genesis to processing
Brau J, Kaliwoda M, Scheu B, Dingwell DB (2022). Raman spectroscopic study of extremely heated olivines. IMA2022- Session T4: Spectroscopic methods applied to mineralogy
Dellefant F, Trepmann CA, Gilder SA, Sleptsova IV, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW, Weiss BP (2022). Shock related Microfabrics of Ilmenite and associated FE-bearing phases. 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2022 (LPI Contrib. No. 2695)
Dellefant F, Trepmann CA, Gilder SA, Sleptsova IV, Kaliwoda M (2022). Ilmenite transformations in suevites from the Ries meteorite impact structure, Germany, extended Abstract, EGU22-11488, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11488, EGU General Assembly 2022
Hamann C, Greshake A, Schultze D, Waldheim J, Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Kaufmann FED, Hecht L (2022). Non-destructive charaterization of Pallasites by Micro X-Ray Fluorescence analysis. 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2022, LPI Contrib. No. 2695
Hoffmann VH, Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2022). ERG CHECH 002 ungrouped achondrite – systematic Raman Spectroscopy on a unique meteorite, 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2022 (LPI Contrib. No. 2695).
Hoffmann VH, Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Schmahl WW (2022). Laser Raman Spectroscopy on Aguas Zarcas (CM2) – The 2019 meteorite fall from Costa Rica. 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, No 2231
Hoffmann VH, Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Schmahl WW (2022). Winchcombe CM2 meteorite fall 2021–first results of systematic LASER Raman Spectroscopy
Joseph F, Kaliwoda M, Junge M (2022). Petrographic and geochemical analysis of meteorite NWA 12547 with inverse zoned chondrules. GeoMinKöln_02_2.2-1: 5.Topics: 2.2 From dust to planets (n, V)
Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Gianola O, Holzmueller J, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2022). Raw materials need and supply presented in exhibitions and workshops of the Museum Mineralogia Munich. GeoMinKöln_07_10.3: 2. Topics: 10.3 Geoscientific museums and collections in the area of responsibility between science and public relations
Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Gianola O, Holzmueller J, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2022). Geoscientific education in schools: Four workshops to encourage children to learn more about rocks and minerals. GeoMinKöln_Topics: 10.1 Geoscience Communication and Education
Kaliwoda M, Hoffmann V, Chiang YC, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2022). Sahara Dust Event in Central Europe in March 2022: over 100 micron sized particles. GeoMinKöln_Topics: 10.3 Geoscientific museums and collections in the area of responsibility between science and public relations
Kaliwoda M, Krüger ME, Hoffmann V, Junge M, Brandmiller F, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2022). Raman spectroscopy as a powerful tool for estimating the chromium to aluminum content in a range of different chromites. GeoMinKöln_50_1.2-2: 3 Topics: 1.2 Methods in Geochemistry and Mineralogy
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2022). Science communication as an important aspect of promoting research to the Public. DGK_Muenchen_2022_P12 ID 157
Kaliwoda M, Krueger ME, Hoffmann V, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2022). Raman spectroscopy as estimation tool for chromium aluminium oxide content in chromites. IMA2022-1315. T4 – The dynamical world of minerals. Spectroscopic methods applied to mineralogy
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Henschtel F, Schmahl WW (2022). Aufholen nach Corona – Museum Mineralogia München. LeLa-Tagung, Muc-Labs-Tagung 2022.
Seybold L, Schneider S, Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Simon G, Koelbl-Ebert M, Baumann A (2022). Evaluating Visitor’s Expectations and Interests in the realm of Earth Sciences – Results From an Online Survey. EGU22-9051, updated on 16 May 2022, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9051
Seybold L, Trepmann CA, Kaliwoda M, Dellefant F, Hölzl S (2022). Twinned Calcite in Polymict Breccias from the Ries Impact Structure – Brecciation and Mixing of Target Rocks. 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2022 (LPI Contrib. No. 2695)
Brau J, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Kaliwoda M, Scheu B, Dingwell DB (2023). Investigation of olivine’s thermostability in an oxidized and reduced atmosphere, EGU abstract, 12907
Dellefant F, Trepmann CA, Gilder SA, Sleptsova I, Kaliwoda M, Weiss BP (2023). Distinguishing shock-related microstructures in gneisses from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548)
Dellefant F, Trepmann CA, W. W. Schmahl, Gilder SA, Sleptsova IV, Kaliwoda M (2023). Ilmenite phase transformation in suevites from the Nördlinger Ries impact structure (Germany) record pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacity evolution. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023, LPI Contrib. No. 2806
Drozdovskiy I, Sauro F, Payler SJ, Dalibot A, Hill S, …Kaliwoda M et al. (2023). Improving recognition of planetary materials with the updated ESA-PANGEA mineral toolkit. European Lunar Symposium
Fitt M, Jakub Ciazela J, Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Mojzsis S, Patkó L, Mateusz Szczesniewicz M, Luszczek K, Jakubauskas P, Prell M (2023). Petrographic and geochemical study of 16 Martian meteorites: implications for ore-forming processes. MINERALOGIA – SPECIAL PAPERS, 51, 2023
Hoffmann VH, Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2023). HIGH RESOLUTION MICRO RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY ON THE WINCHCOMBE CARBONACEOUS CHONDRITE (CM2). 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 (LPI Contrib. No. 2806)
Hoffmann VH, Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Schmahl WW (2023). Winchcombe CM2 meteorite fall 2021 – first results of systematic LASER Raman Spectroscopy.
Hoffmann VH, Junge M, Kaliwoda M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2023). Combining Digital Microscopy and Micro Raman Spectroscopy: New Ways for Non-Destructive Analyses of (Extra-)Terrestrial Materials, 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023, LPI Contrib. No. 2806,
Hoffmann VH, Junge M, Schmahl WW, Mikouchi T, Wimmer K, Kaliwoda M (2023). NWA 15663 and pairs: Magnetic susceptibility classification and comparison with selected meteorites and terrestrial mantle rocks. Metsoc Meeting #6179
Hoffmann VH, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW, Kaliwoda M (2023). The Ensisheim Meteorite (Fall 1492). NIPRAM_2023
Kaliwoda M, Jospeh F, Drozdovskiy I, Schmahl W W (2023). Raman spectroscopy as an important tool for the study of lunar meteorite samples and upcoming lunar missions. European Lunar Symposium
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Schmahl WW (2023). Earth sciences for school children in the Museum Mineralogia Munich; Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research – What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences?GeoBerlin_Abstract ID: 829
Kaliwoda M, Gianola O, Junge M, Hentschel F, Rost A, Schmahl WW (2023). GeoMUCKids und GeoMUCTeens – BMBF-Workshops im Museum Mineralogia München. Abstract LeLa_Jahrestagung-Göttingen
Kaliwoda M, Junge M, Hentschel F, Joseph F, Schmahl WW (2023). Children’s and Teenagers‘ geoscience Projects at the Mineralogical State Collection Munich (MSM). Abstract MinWien 2023
Kaliwoda M, Drozdovsky I, Joseph F, Dellefant F, Schmahl WW (2023). Raman spectroscopy as an important tool for the petrological study of different meteorite samples. Abstract MinWien 2023
Kaliwoda M, Joseph F, Helmbrecht V, Zuncke J, Nömer A, Eckle L, Drozdovsky I (2023). Investigation of Martian and other meteorites using Raman spectroscopy. Abstract MinWien 2023
Rost A, Kaliwoda M, Schmahl WW (2023). Kinder und Jugendprojekte im Museum Mineralogia München, ein außerschulischer Lehr-Lernort, Abstract LeLa_Jahrestagung-Göttingen
Trepmann C, Seybold L, Hölzl S, Langenhorst F, Pollok K, Kaliwoda M (2023). High Stress Crystal Plasticity of Calcite – Evidence from Ries Impact Breccias; Topics 3.21 Tectonic Systems TSK Open Session, GeoBerlin_Abstract ID: 350