Retrospective: Treasure Island
Temporary exhibition 10. December 2021 – 31. May 2022
Treasures in the Museum Mineralogia Munich – a Voyage of Discovery Through Nature and Technology
This temporary exhibition is dedicated to minerals, crystals and exhibits from the Bavarian State Collection for Mineralogy and the archives of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Gemstones and gemstone cuts are shown. In addition, drawings of mineral thin sections from the 19th century are exhibited. These show visitors how crystals and minerals were examined microscopically in the geosciences at that time, but also today.
Another highlight is a collection of meteorites, including from the moon and Mars, and a reference to what these meteorites reveal about our solar system and our Earth. In addition, meteorites found in Bavaria can be viewed. For example, the meteorite from Mauerkirchen, which was observed falling in the 18th century, can be admired along with the descriptive report of that time.
The raw materials theme shows what the minerals look like that are processed in many of our everyday objects. These include, for example, lithium minerals, which are needed for the production of batteries and thus reflect the current topic of e-mobility. A special experience is that there are many large objects such as rock crystals, meteorites and sand roses to touch.